Progressive Web


The web development environment has transformed with the demand for more scalable and cross-platform web and enterprise applications in ever-changing market equilibrium. To help enterprises address business needs and connect with customers using a range of devices and platforms seamlessly, legacy web apps have given way to progressive web apps (PWAs) that can be easily accessed by mobile users.

A progressive web app can be deployed in two ways—ship the app to an app-store or host it on a web server. Several firms in the social media and hospitality industry are increasingly moving to progressive apps. Pinterest, a social media sharing platform, has reportedly leveraged progressive web apps to increase core engagement of their users by 60%. It also increases the time duration of each user visit by 40%. Likewise, (online travel and hospitality marketplace, Trivago) has boosted their user engagement by 150% with the help of progressive web apps.

Progressive Web Apps: Making the Cut

Progressive web apps have added a new dimension to the web development environment. They are now touted as the future of app development. With few companies interested in native apps and most of them deserting mobile-only app development, progressive web apps have started dominating the market. Firms are increasingly choosing progressive web apps for their dynamic functionality and ease of download, which ultimately maximizes outreach. By capitalizing on the imminent ‘stagnation’ of traditional apps, progressive web apps can certainly take the center-stage in the years to come.

7 crucial factors that make progressive web

apps a cornerstone of future web development:



In case of progressive web apps, service worker—a JavaScript file—runs separately from the main thread, intercepts network requests, caches or retrieves resources, and delivers push messages even at times of low or no connectivity.It helps in quicker execution of code and faster



Progressive web apps allow automatic bug-fixing and patch or update deployment without contacting the app store, which guarantees timely update of the system. It also eliminates the need to write distinct versions of the same patch for Android and iOS platforms.



Conventional web apps use HTTP protocol, which does not offer the desired level of security needed to shield sensitive or confidential user data. a progressive web app uses HTTPS protocol that inhibits hackers from extracting information from the browser and prevents malicious code.



The app-shell model splits application logic from content. This shell-driven segregation of content offers users rich functionality, native-like app experience,seamless transition between views. Further, content is cached and rendered on repeat visits irrespective of connectivity.

User Engagements

User Engagements

Web app manifest gives developers the ability to control the way an app renders and launches itself on the mobile. Several other parameters such as screen orientation, home page, and choice of the browser can be customized by the users.

Hybrid Functionality

Hybrid Functionality

Progressive web apps combine the finest features of the legacy web portal such as outreach with the strength of a typical native web app that allow it to run for a longer duration. The hybrid functionality of the app offers a real-time value-added experience while using shopping carts, payment gateways, etc.

Memory Management

Memory Management

Traditional web apps occupy a lot of storage space. However, progressive web apps pre-cache content so that they can load instantly on the device the next time it is accessed. Therefore, there is minimum impact on memory, irrespective of the number of progressive web apps installed on a single device.